List of sponsored annual projects

ProjectPrincipal Investigator, Host Organization

VINIF.2019.DA01 – Emerging Big Data/AI and IoTs/5G technologies for smart cities

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof. Le Trung Quan

Host Organization: University of Information Technology, Vietnam National University at Ho Chi Minh City

VINIF.2019.DA02 – AI-Cardio: An artificial intelligence system for diagnosis and prognosis of myocardial infarction based on echocardiography

Principal Investigator: Dr. Tran Quoc Long

Host Organization: University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University

VINIF.2019.DA03 – Novel functional materials discovery by machine-learning approaches

Principal Investigator: Prof. Vu Ngoc Tuoc

Host Organization: Isntitute of Engineering Physics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

VINIF.2019.DA04 – Additive manufacturing (3D printing) based on deep learning

Principal Investigator: Prof. Nguyen Xuan Hung

Host Organization: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

VINIF.2019.DA05 – Applications of artificial intelligence for early predicting energy consumption patterns in buildings toward sustaiable development

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ngo Ngoc Tri

Host Organization: University of Science and Technology, University of Danang

VINIF.2019.DA06 – Intelligent optical communications for extremely big data networks (I-OCOM)

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Tan Hung

Host Organization: University of Science and Technology, University of Danang

VINIF.2019.DA07 – V-Chain: a blockchain-based platform for development and deployment of decentralized applications

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Binh Minh

Host Organization: Hanoi University of Science and Technology

VINIF.2019.DA08 – Big data analytics based optimization of process parameters for a smart manufacturing shop floor consisting of a CNC machine and a Robot

Principal Investigator: Prof. Chu Anh My

Host Organization: Le Quy Don Technical University

VINIF.2019.DA09 – Some new trends in harmonic analysis, optimization and control for applications in data analysis and industry

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sc. Huynh Van Ngai

Host Organization: Quy Nhon University

VINIF.2019.DA10 – Development of gas nanosensors for the internet of things (IoT) applications towards non-invasive disease diagnoses

Principal Investigator: Prof. Nguyen Duc Hoa

Host Organization: Hanoi University of Science and Technology

VINIF.2019.DA11 – Tackling antibiotic-resistant bacteria with DNA sequencing and big data analysis

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ho Huu Tho

Host Organization: Vietnam Military Medical University

VINIF.2019.DA12 – Controllable silicon-photonic network-on-chip via AI

Principal Investigator: Dr. Truong Cao Dung

Host Organization: Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

VINIF.2019.DA13 – Constructing a database and developing platforms to recognize Vietnamese medicinal plants based on morphological image

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof. Pham The Bao

Host Organization: Sai Gon University

VINIF.2019.DA14 – Developing an artificial intelligence-based diagnosis system for psychiatric disorders in Viet Nam using portable, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and clinical-behavioral assessments

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof. Tran Xuan Bach

Host Organization: Institute for Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hanoi Medical University

VINIF.2019.DA15 – Application of advanced genomic technologies for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients infected with hepatis B virus

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ngo Tat Trung

Host Organization: 108 Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, 108 Military Central Hospital

VINIF.2019.DA16 – Smart on-street parking management system

Principal Investigator: Dr. Phung Thi Kieu Ha

Host Organization: Hanoi University of Science and Technology

VINIF.2019.DA17 – BIG DREAM – BIG Data driven innovations for Drought REsilience in VietnAM

Principal Investigator: Dr. Bui Du Duong

Host Organization: Center for Science and Technology of Mining and Environment, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology

VINIF.2019.DA18 – Human knowledge in machine learning models for big and streaming data

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof. Than Quang Khoat

Host Organization: Hanoi University of Science and Technology

VINIF.2019.DA19 – Large-scale visual data annotation platform for artificial intelligence applications

Principal Investigator: Assoc.Prof. Tran Minh Triet

Host Organization: University of Science, Viet Nam National University - Ho Chi Minh City

VINIF.2019.DA20 – Towards a big urban data facility – Computational investigation of the connectivity, resilience and demand of the bus network in Ho Chi Minh City

Principal Investigator: Dr. Vu Thanh Tu Anh

Host Organization: Fullbright University Vietnam

VINIF.2019.DA01 – Emerging Big Data/AI and IoTs/5G technologies for smart cities

The project poses the problem of developing IoTs/5G technology solutions using big data processing techniques and artificial intelligence for smart

VINIF.2019.DA02 – AI-Cardio: An artificial intelligence system for diagnosis and prognosis of myocardial infarction based on echocardiography

AI-Cardio project: Artificial intelligence system for diagnosing and predicting myocardial infarction based on echocardiography provides the ability to automatically calculate

VINIF.2019.DA03 – Novel functional materials discovery by machine-learning approaches

The project Novel functional materials discovery by machine-learning approaches introduces a new interdisciplinary research field – Materials Informatics (MI) – a new

VINIF.2019.DA04 – Additive manufacturing (3D printing) based on deep learning

3D printing technology, or more broadly understood as additive manufacturing technology, is a packaging chain that combines different stages from

VINIF.2019.DA05 – Applications of artificial intelligence for early predicting energy consumption patterns in buildings toward sustaiable development

Challenging problem to solve  Construction projects consume about 40% of global energy and generate 30% of CO2 emissions. These numbers

VINIF.2019.DA06 – Intelligent optical communications for extremely big data networks (I-OCOM)

The rapid increase in number and capacity of broadband applications such as high-quality video, 5G, cloud computing and Big Data,