Tên bài báo | Tác giả | Thông tin hội nghị | Năm công bố | Mã dự án |
Real-Time Control Method for a 6-DOF Robot Using an Eye-inHand Camera Based on Visual Servoing | VanTruong Nguyen*, Phu-Tuan Nguyen, XuanThuc Kieu, T. Dieu-Linh Nguyen, and DucDuong Khuat | International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks, Spinger | 2024 | VINIF.2023.DA089 |
Optimized Reduced Adaptive Fuzzy Decoupling Controller for Cobot with Disturbances Using Genetic Algorithm | VanTruong Nguyen*, Duc-Hung Nguyen, HoangNam Nguyen, NguyenKhang Dang, Dai-Nhan Duong | International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development, IEEE | 2024 | VINIF.2023.DA089 |
Genetic programming for resource allocation in network function virtualization " | Nguyen Thi Tam, Do Duc Anh, Tran Huy Hung, Pham Van Hanh, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Le Trong Vinh | 2023 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00183 |
A Two-Stage Multi-Objective Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning Framework for Continuous Robot Control | Hai-Long Tran, Long Doan, Ngoc Hoang Luong, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh | 2023 The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00183 |
"Enhancing Encrypted Traffic Classification with Deep Adaptation Networks " | Cuong Dao, Van Tong, Nam-Thang Hoang, Hai-Anh Tran, Truong X. Tran | Computer Networks (LCN) 2023 IEEE 48th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00183 |
On Inference Stability for Diffusion Models | Nguyen, Viet, Giang Vu, Tung Nguyen Thanh, Khoat Than, and Toan Tran | The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 2024 | VINIF.2022.DA00183 |
MNDE: Node-depth encoding can do better in evolutionary multitask algorithms | Tran Cong Dao, Do Tuan Anh, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Do Duc Anh, Ban Ha Bang, Su Nguyen | 2023 The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00183 |
Preliminary insight into distribution and source of clastic materials in surface sediments in the Ba Be lake, Vietnam | "Nguyễn-Thùy Dương, Nguyễn-Văn Hướng, Nguyễn-Đình Thái, Nguyễn Hồng Quân, Nguyễn Thị Ánh Nguyệt, Trần Thị Dung, Lê Thị Phương Quỳnh, Bùi Mạnh Hà, Vũ Thị Nguyệt, Dương Thị Thuỷ " | "Hội thảo: The 3th International Vietnam Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences (iVCEES-2023), 27 Nov.-01 Dec. 2023 " | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00138 |
Design and manufacturing of thin film planar coil-based magnetoimp dance sensors | H.A Tam, N.T. Ngoc, N.V. Tuan, V.N. Thuc, P.T. Hien, N.T.P. Thao, B.T. Sang, D.T. Hien, D.T. Huong Giang | "Proceedings 4th International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Devices -IWAMD 2023" | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00118 |
Phát hiện gen mã hóa độc tố thần kinh botulinum type A và B của Clostridium botulinum bằng kỹ thuật phản ứng chuỗi polymerase | Lê Vinh Hoa, Phan Phương Lan, Nguyễn Thành Trung, Phạm Bảo Yên, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Loan, Phan Tuấn Nghĩa | Hội nghị khoa học Y học Dự phòng toàn quốc (Báo cáo tóm tắt). Đà Nẵng, 30/03/2023 | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00116 |
Applying artificial intelligence (AI) and eye-tracking in designing and managing delightful customer experiences in the hospitality sector | Truc H. Le | COAST 2023 Conference Presentation (China) | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00087 |
Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Eye-Tracking in Designing and Managing Delightful Customer Experiences in Hotels in Vietnam | Truc H. Le, Dung (Jenny) Le, Sara Quach Thaichon, Helen Chun, Duy Dung Le, Wray Buntine, Tuan Anh Hoang, Duc Trong Le, Thu Thuy Tran and Van Hoa Vu | CAUTHE 2023 Conference Paper (Australia) | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00087 |
Towards Data-Agnostic Pruning At Initialization: What Makes a Good Sparse Mask? | Hoang Pham, The-Anh Ta, Shiwei Liu, Lichuan Xiang, Dung D. Le. Hongkai Wen, Long Tran-Thanh | The 2023 Conference on Neural Processing Systems | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00087 |
Reinforced Target-driven Conversational Promotion | Huy Quang Dao, Lizi Liao, Dung D. Le, Yuxiang Nie | The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00087 |
Hiệu ứng trong suốt cảm ứng điện từ trong hệ nguyên tử bốn mức năng lượng cấu hình lambda: phương pháp giải tích | Nguyễn Huy Bằng, Đinh Xuân Khoa, Nguyễn Văn Phú, Đoàn Hoài Sơn, Nguyễn Văn Ái, Hoàng Minh Đồng, Nguyễn Thị thu Hiền, Lê Văn Đoài | Advances in Optics, Photonics, Spectroscopy & Applications XII | 2022 | VINIF.2022.DA00076 |
Electromagnetically induced grating in a four-level inverted-Y atomic system | Dinh Xuan Khoa, Nguyen Huy Bang, Nguyen Van Phu and Le Van Doai | CASEAN 8 | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00076 |
Porous silica-coated gold nanoparticles conjugate-based lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) for rapid detection of E.Coli | Nguyen T.T Huyen Thu Thao Pham and Truong TN Lien | 8th IWNA 2023 proceeding | 2023 | VINIF.2022.DA00032 |
Climate and soil properties cogovern rice arsenic: A longitudinal study | Anh T.Q. Nguyen, Anh M. Nguyen, Ly N. Nguyen, Huan X. Nguyen, Tien M. Tran, Phong D. Tran, Stefan Dultz, Minh N. Nguyen | EGU | 2024 | VINIF.2022.DA00020 |
Effects of CO2 and temperature on the release of arsenic from rice straw biochar | T.Q. Nguyen, A., M. Dinh, V., T. Nguyen, N., and N. Nguyen, M. | ESAFS | 2024 | VINIF.2022.DA00020 |
The Application of a Hybrid Autoregressive and Artificial Neural Networks to Structural Damage Detection in Z24 Bridge | Hieu Nguyen-Tran, Dung Bui-Ngoc, Lan Ngoc-Nguyen, Hoa Tran, Thanh Bui-Tien, Guido De Roeck & Magd Abdel Wahab | Recent Advances in Structural Health Monitoring and Engineering Structures | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00192 |
A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Structural Health Monitoring | H. H. Tran-Ngoc, T. Le-Xuan, N. Hoang-Thanh, L. Dao-Dac, T. Bui-Tien, and M. Abdel Wahab | The 5th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering | 2023 | VINIF.2021.DA00192 |
Application of Slime Mould Optimization Algorithm on structural damage identification of suspension footbridge | Lan Ngoc-Nguyen, Samir Khatir, Huu-Quyet Nguyen, Hieu Nguyen-Tran, Dung Bui-Ngoc, Magd Abdel Wahab, Thanh Bui-Tien | Recent Advances in Structural Health Monitoring and Engineering Structures | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00192 |
Deep learning damage detection using time-frequency image analysis | Dung Bui-Ngoc, Hoa Tran-Ngoc, Lan Nguyen-Ngoc, Hieu Nguyen-Tran, Thanh Bui-Tien | Recent Advances in Structural Health Monitoring and Engineering Structures | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00192 |
A 5.8-µW 61.29-dB-SNDR 10-bits Configurable EEG Acquisition System | Loan Pham-Nguyen, Viet Nguyen-Thien, Tien-Dung Le Van, Khai Quang Nguyen, Huy-Dung Han | 2022 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), Nha Trang, Vietnam, | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00138 |
"A 0.47-μW Multi-stage Low Noise Amplifier Employing 0.2-V-supply OTA," | Nguyen-Thien, H. -D. Han, L. Pham-Nguyen, X. T. Pham and M. K. Hoang, | 2022 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), Nha Trang, Vietnam | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00138 |
Reinforcement Learning-based Adaptive Aggregation for Non-IID Data in Federated Learning | Nang Hung Nguyen, Phi Le Nguyen, Duc Long Nguyen, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Thuy Dung Nguyen, Thanh Hung Nguyen, Huy Hieu Pham, Truong Thao Nguyen | "FedDRL: Deep 2022 The 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2022" | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00128 |
Image-based Contextual Pill Recognition with Medical Knowledge Graph Assistance" | Anh Duy Nguyen, Thuy Dung Nguyen, Huy Hieu Pham, Thanh Hung Nguyen and Phi Le Nguyen | The 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2022). | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00128 |
“Multi-stream Fusion for Class Incremental Learning in Pill Image Classification” | Trong-Tung Nguyen, Hieu H. Pham, Phi Le Nguyen, Thanh Hung Nguyen, Minh Do. | The Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2022). | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00128 |
Enhancing Deep Learning-based 3-lead ECG Classification with Heartbeat Counting and Demographic Data Integration” | Khiem H. Le, Hieu H. Pham, Thao B.T. Nguyen, Tu A. Nguyen, Cuong D. Do. | The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS 2022). | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00128 |
“A novel deep learning-based approach for sleep apnea detection using single-lead ECG signals” | Anh-Tu Nguyen, Thao Nguyen, Huy-Khiem Le, Huy-Hieu Pham, Cuong Do | The Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2022 (APSIPA ASC 2022). | 2022 | VINIF.2021.DA00128 |
SEM: A Simple Yet Efficient Model-agnostic Local Training Mechanism to Tackle Data Sparsity and Scarcity in Federated Learning | Quang Ha Pham, Nguyen Nang Hung, Hieu Pham, Nguyen Thanh-Hung, Truong Thao Nguyen, Phi Le Nguyen | The Eleventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDA R 2024) | 2023 | VINIF.2021.DA00128 |
CADIS: Handling Cluster-skewed Non-IID Data in Federated Learning with Clustered Aggregation and Knowledge Distilled Regularization | Nang Hung Nguyen, Duc Long Nguyen, Trong Bang Nguyen, Thanh-Hung Nguyen, Hieu Pham, Truong Thao Nguyen and Phi Le Nguyen | The 23nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2023) | 2023 | VINIF.2021.DA00128 |
Artificial intelligence-based solutions for coffee leaf disease classification | Pham TC, Nguyen VD, Le CH, Packianather M, Hoang VD. | IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. | 2023 | VINIF.2021.DA00047 |
An IoT Solution Designed for Remote Automatic Control and Supervisor Systems to Key Environmental Factors and Diseases in Coffee Farms in Vietnam | Thang Long Vu and Van Duy Nguyen | Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1068, Springer | 2023 | VINIF.2021.DA00047 |
Digital and circular technologies for climate-smart and sustainable agriculture: The case of Vietnamese coffee | Nguyen VD, Pham TC, Pham TT, Phan AN | IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. | 2023 | VINIF.2021.DA00047 |
Response to “Comment on ‘A new class of out-gap discrete solitons in binary waveguide arrays’” [Chaos 32, 073113 (2022)] | Minh C. Tran and Truong X. Tran | Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science | 2023 | VINIF.2021.DA00001 |
"Novel carbon aerogel from pineapple leaf-based icrofibrillated cellulose for removal of oil and organic solvent" | "Luon Tan Nguyen, Thuan Nguyen Ngoc, Nga H.N. Do, Huong L.X.Doan, Phong Thanh Mai, Kien A. Le, Phung K. Le" | "6th Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research 2022" | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA112 |
Novel heat insulating and flame retardant aerogel composites from recycled plastic fibers and rice husk ashderived silica aerogels | "Nga Hoang Nguyen Do, Hiep Hoang Le, Oanh Thi Hong Cao, Nguyen Nguyen Thao Can, Phong Thanh Mai, Phung Kim Le" | "6th Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research 2022" | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA112 |
A Distributed Deep Learning Approach for A Team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Wildfire Tracking and Coverage | Kripash Shrestha, Hung M. La, and H-J Yoon | The 6th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), December 5-7, 2022, Naples, Italy. | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Multi-directional Bicycle Robot for Bridge Inspection with Steel Defect Detection System | Habib Ahmed, Son Nguyen, Duc La, Chuong Le, Hung La | 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
An Agile Bicycle-Like Robot for Complex Steel Structure Inspection | Son Nguyen, Nguyen Hai, Son Bui, Van Ho, Trung Dung Ngo, Hung La | 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Control Framework for a Hybrid-steel Bridge Inspection Robot | Hoang-Dung Bui, Son Nguyen, U-H. Billah, Chuong Le, Alireza Tavakkoli, Hung M. La | The 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) | 2020 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Steel Defect Detection in Bridges using Deep Encoder-Decoder Networks | Habib Ahmed, and Hung M. La | The 13th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, California, USA, March 15-17 | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Use of Deep Encoder-Decoder Network for Sub-Surface Inspection and Evaluation of Bridge Decks and Evaluation of Bridge Decks | Habib Ahmed, Hung M. La, and Alireza Tavakkoli | The 13th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, California, USA, March 15-17 | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Flying-Climbing Mobile Robot for Steel Bridge Inspection | Anh Q. Pham, Anh T. La, Hung M. La | 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). | 2021 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Single Frame Lidar-Camera Calibration Using Registration of 3D Planes | Ashutosh Singandhupe, Hung M. La, and Quang P. Ha | The 6th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), December 5-7, 2022, Naples, Italy. | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Multi-directional Bicycle Robot for Bridge Inspection with Steel Defect Detection System | Habib Ahmed, Son T. Nguyen, Duc La, Chuong P. Le and Hung M. La | The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
Deep Architecture Based Spalling Severity Detection System Using Encoder-Decoder Networks | Tamanna Yasmin, Chuong P. Le, and Hung M. La | The 17th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’22), October 3-5, 2022, San Diego, CA, USA. | 2022 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA094 |
"Bio-inspired from Human Muscle with a Cable-Driven Agonist-Antagonist Haptic Device " | Gia-Hoang Phan | RICE2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA059 |
Identify macro- and micro-vibration for Stroke Rehabilitation by combining 3D motion tracker and IMU sensor signals of muscles | Gia-Hoang Phan, T.T. Nguyen, H.Q.Nguyen | RICE2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA059 |
Continuous-time System Identification of a Flexible Cantilever Beam | Siqi Pan, Quoc Chi Nguyen, Van Thuat Nguyen, James S. Welsh | "CCTA2021: IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications " | 2021 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA059 |
An improved structural design for elastic beam of six-axis force/torque sensor based on strain gauges | Nguyen Ho Quang, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Nguyen Huu Chuc, Truong Trong Toai | ICISN2021: International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks | 2020 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA059 |
Khảo sát ảnh hưởng của phụ gia trong dung dịch điện ly carbonate đến tính năng điện hóa của điện cực âm Graphite trong ăcquy Li-ion | Dương Văn Minh, Trần Thanh Nhân, Trần Văn Mẫn, Lê Mỹ Loan Phụng. | Hội nghị khoa học toàn quốc lần thứ 6: Ăn mòn và bảo vệ kim loại vì sự phát triển bền vững | 2021 | VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA039 |
Volatility Modeling in the Context of Exchange Rate | Hoàng Tôn Nữ Hương Giang, Nguyễn Thị Phương Quyên | International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022- Workshop in Information Systems in Asia Pacific | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA19 |
"Doing More with Less: A Resour e with Less: A Resource-Consider ce-Considerate Framework for amework for SMEs on the Digital Transformation Journey " | Hoàng Tôn Nữ Hương Giang, Nguyễn Thị Phương Quyên; Bashir, Munirah Bte; and Teo, Hock-Ha | AMCIS 2023 Proceedings (Conference rank A) | 2023 | VINIF.2020.DA19 |
GCEENet: A Global Context Enhancement and Exploitation for Medical Image Segmentation, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-20716-7_11 | Nguyen Tuan Hung, Phan Ngoc Lan, Nguyen Thi Oanh, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Dinh Viet Sang | ISVC | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
ESSL-Polyp - A Robust Framework of Ensemble Semi-Supervised Learning in Polyp Segmentation, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-37963-5_4 | Pham Van Toan, Dinh Viet Sang | Computing Conference | 2023 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
AG-ResUNet++: An improved encoder-decoder based method for polyp segmentation in colonoscopy images, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9642070 | Nguyen Ba Hung, Nguyen Thanh Duc, Thai Van Chien, Dinh Viet Sang | RIVF | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
NeoUNet: Towards accurate colon polyp segmentation and neoplasm detection, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-90436-4_2 | Phan Ngoc Lan, Nguyen Sy An, Dao Viet Hang, Dao Van Long, Tran Quang Trung, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Dinh Viet Sang | ISVC | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
Incremental Boundary Refinement using Self Axial Reverse Attention and Uncertainty-aware Gate for Colon Polyp Segmentation, https://doi.org/10.1145/3568562.3568663 | Dinh Viet Sang, Do Duy Quang | SoICT | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
A Coarse-to-fine Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Cross-Mode Polyp Segmentation, DOI: 10.1109/KSE56063.2022.9953621 | Nam Kieu Dang, Oanh Nguyen Thi, Thuy Nguyen Thi, Hang Dao Viet, Long Dao Van, Trung Tran Quang, Sang Dinh Viet | KSE | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
Online pseudo labeling for polyp segmentation with momentum networks, DOI: 10.1109/KSE56063.2022.9953785 | Toan Pham Van, Linh Doan Bao, Duc Tran Trung and Quan Nguyen Van, Sang Dinh Viet | KSE | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
PolypDEQ: Towards Effective Transformer-based Deep Equilibrium Models for Colon Polyp Segmentation, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-20713-6_35 | Nguyen Minh Chau, Le Truong Giang, Dinh Viet Sang | ISVC | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
Improve polyp semi-supervised segmentation with prioritizing the reliability of unlabeled images, DOI: 10.1145/3571513.3571520 | Toan Pham Van, Sang Dinh Viet, Linh Bao Doan, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Quang Hung Nguyen, Duc Trung Tran | ICSIE | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA17 |
Prediction of Deformed Shape in Incremental Sheet Forming Processing Feedforward Neural Network | Le, Hai and Pham, Quoc Tuan and Nguyen, Anh and Tran, Hoangson and Tran, Xuan | http://the International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing (ICCIC) | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA15 |
Data-driven Framework for Optimization of Manufacturing Processes under Uncertainty | T.Q.D. Pham, V.S. Bui, X.V. Tran | Proceeding of the International Conference of Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry, DSBFI2023 | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA15 |
Data-driven Prediction of Temperature Evolution in Metallic Additive Manufacturing Process | T.Q.D. Pham, T.V. Hoang, Q.T. Pham, P.T. Huynh, X.V. Tran, Seifallah Fetni, L. Duchêne, H.S. Tran, and A.M. Habraken | ESAFORM2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA15 |
Thermal field prediction in DED manufacturing process using Artificial Neural Network | Seifallah Fetni, Quy Duc Thinh Pham, Van Xuan Tran, Laurent Duchêne, Hoang Son Tran and Anne Marie Habraken | ESAFORM2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA15 |
Effects of uncertainty in laser energy on temperature evolutions in directed energy deposition process using machine learning-based stochastic approach | T.Q.D. Pham, X.V. Tran, A.M. Habraken | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applied Network Technologies (ICMLANT) | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA15 |
Benchmarking Neural Topic Models: An Empirical Study | Thanh-Nam Doan and Tuan-Anh Hoang | Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA14 |
"Performance evaluation of different 3D printing techniques for PCL-based scaffold fabrication" | "Lan Xuan Phung*, Nam Van Ngo, Hung Quang Nguyen, Hanh Bich Pham, Nhung My Thi Hoang, Trung Kien Nguyen" | "13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology (ICBET 2023) ACM Proceedings" | 2023 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
Bioinspired 3D Printing - Unravel the Secret behind Porcupine Quill Structure | Yun Lu Tee, Phuong Tran, Lan Xuan Phung, Trung Kien Nguyen, Truong Do. | ACAM10 | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
Triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) based lattice structure to reduce stress shielding effect. | Chenxi Peng, Lan Xuan Phung, Truong Do, Phuong Tran. | ACAM10 | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
"Thermal Analysis by Finite Element Model for Powder Screw Extruder for 3D Printing Method" | "Quang Duy Do, Hung Quang Tran, Thien Bat Le, Lan Xuan Phung, Trung Kien Nguyen*" | "The AUN/SEEDNet Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy, and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering" | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
"The effects of geometry structure with 3D printing design on PCL scaffolds permeability" | Tung Nguyen Van, Hanh Bich Pham, Nhung My Thi Hoang, Lan Xuan Phung, Trung Kien Nguyen | "13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology (ICBET 2023) ACM Proceedings" | 2023 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
"Sodium alginate printability using a developed extrusion-based coaxial nozzle for biofabrication" | "Cuong Ba Hoang, Trung Van Nguyen, Dat Quang Nguyen, Trung Kien Nguyen, Lan Xuan Phung*" | "3rd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2022)" | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
"Effect of printing parameters on characteristics of PCL scaffold fabricated by direct powder extrusion" | "Quang Duy Do, Du Khac Nguyen, Tung Van Nguyen, Lan Xuan Phung, Trung Kien Nguyen*" | "International Conference on Engineering Research and Applications, ICERA 2022" | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
"The Effect of Printing Parameters on the Characteristics of PCL Scaffold in Tissue Engineering Application" | "Tuan Quang Ta, Trung Kien Nguyen, Son Hoanh Truong, and Lan Xuan Phung*" | "The AUN/SEEDNet Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy, and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering" | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA13 |
Development an Innovated Joining Solution for Non – Stop Manufacturing System Using Ultra - Thin Material Sheets | Ngô Hữu Mạnh và các cộng sự | "Advances in Welding and Additive Manufacturing Research Virtual Conference (AWAMR2022) | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA12 |
Research and Develop Novel Hybrid Arc-Plasma-Spot Welding Process | Ngô Hữu Mạnh và các cộng sự | "Advances in Welding and Additive Manufacturing Research Virtual Conference (AWAMR2022) " | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA12 |
"A novel approach for improving productivity and efficiency of smart manufacturing systems " | Ngô Hữu Mạnh và các cộng sự | "2nd International conference on advanced joining (processes (AJP2021) " | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA12 |
A Novel Welding Solution Technology for Stamping Processes | Nguyễn Văn Anh và các cộng sự | Sheet metal welding conference (SMWC-XIX) | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA12 |
Moving towards NoSQL databases: Experiences from projects | "Lê Thị Thu, Phạm Xuân Lâm " | "IEEE The 3rd International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Practices " | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA11 |
Developing an Expert Search System to Leverage Human Resources for the Logistics Industry in Vietnam | Phạm Xuân Lâm, Trần Thị Mỹ Diệp, Nguyễn Quỳnh Mai, Nguyễn Thị Huyền | Hội thảo quốc tế về phát triển nguồn nhân lực Logistics | 2020 | VINIF.2020.DA11 |
Vietsearch – Big Data Analytics for Vietnamese Community | Nguyễn Đình Quý | Vietnamese Youth Science and Technology Conference | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA11 |
Q-learning-based, Optimized On-demand Charging Algorithm in WRSN | La Van Quan, Phi Le Nguyen, Thanh-Hung Nguyen, Kien Nguyen | The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications | 2020 | VINIF.2020.DA09 |
Fuzzy Deep Q-learning Task Offloading in Delay Constrained Vehicular Fog Computing | Do Bao Son, Vu Tri An, Trinh Thu Hai, Binh Minh Nguyen, Phi Le Nguyen, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh | International Joint Conference on Neural Network, IJCNN | 2021 | VINIF.2020.DA09 |
Minimal Relay Node Placement for Ensuring Network Connectivity in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks | Nguyen Thi Hanh, Huynh Thi Thanh Binh and Nguyen Van Son | The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications | 2020 | VINIF.2020.DA09 |
Optimization of 3D scaffold-free bio-printer using umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cell spheroids for fabrication of tube-like structures | Hoang Thi My Nhung, Nguyen Ngoc Dinh, Nguyen Thanh Liem, Do Xuan Hai, Than Thi Trang Uyen, Tran Trung Nghĩa, Do Dieu Linh, Dinh Khanh Manh, Nguyen Van Son, Nguyen Thi Yen Lan, Hoang Van Huy, Ngo Duy Minh, Nguyen Hoang Nam, Pham Van Thanh, Tran Vinh Thang, Luu Manh Quynh | The 6th Rencontres de Quy Nhon: International Biology Conference 2023 | 2023 | VINIF.2020.DA07 |
Development of a 3D bio-printing system for tubular tissue creation using umbilical cord-derived stem cell spheroids as bio-ink | Nguyen Ngoc Dinh, Tran Vinh Thang, Pham Van Thanh, Hoang Van Huy, Vu Dinh Hong Phuc, Luu Manh Quynh, Nguyen Hoang Nam, Do Xuan Hai, Than Thi Trang Uyen, Nguyen Quang Minh, Do Dieu Linh, Pham Bich Hanh, Nguyen Thi Yen Lan, Dinh Khanh Manh, Nguyen Van Son, Hoang Thi My Nhung | 6th International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA07 |
Hạt nanosilica gắn FITC đánh dấu tế bào ở cả hai mô hình in vitro và in vivo | Nguyễn Huy Mạnh, Nguyễn Thị Thủy, Nguyễn Hoàng Nam, Nghiêm Thị Hà Liên, Đỗ Xuân Hai, Tô Thanh Thúy, Đỗ Thị Xuân Phương, Đỗ Diệu Linh, Nguyễn Ngọc Đỉnh, Lưu Mạnh Quỳnh, Nguyễn Trọng Nghĩa, Nguyễn Thị Bích Ngọc, Nguyễn Văn Toàn, Phạm Văn Thành, Thân Thị Trang Uyên, Hoàng Thị Mỹ Nhung | Hội nghị các nhà Khoa học trẻ toàn quốc trong lĩnh vực Khoa học Tự nhiên và Công nghệ lần thứ năm | 2023 | VINIF.2020.DA07 |
"Evaluation of fresh umbilical cord arteries as a novel substitute for vascular bypass grafting" | Do Xuan Hai, Nguyen Linh Toan, Nguyen Trung Chuc, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Ngo Thu Hang, Hoang Thi My Nhung, Nguyen Thanh Liem | "2nd International Conference on Cardiology" | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA07 |
Optimization of human cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cell isolation and expansion | "Liem Thanh Nguyen, Nghia Trung Tran, Uyen Thi Trang Than, Minh Quang Nguyen, Anh Thi Minh Tran, Phuong Thi Xuan Do, Thao Thi Chu, Tu Dac Nguyen, Anh Viet Bui, Tien Anh Ngo, Nhung Thi My Hoang" | "International Conference on Stem Cells & Life Science " | "2021 " | VINIF.2020.DA07 |
An efficient approach to terminate 360-video stream on http/3 | Nguyen Viet Hung, Bui Duy Tien, Tran Thi Thao Anh, Pham Ngoc Nam, and Truong Thu Huong | ETLTC-ICETM | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA03 |
LL-VAS: Adaptation Method for Low-Latency 360-degree Video Streaming over Mobile Networks | Duc Nguyen, Le Ngan, Lai Huyen Thuong, Truong Thu Huong | 2022 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA03 |
Network-aware Prefetching Method for Short-Form Video Streaming | D. Nguyen, P. Nguyen, V. Long, T. T. Huong and P. N. Nam | 24th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) | 2022 | VINIF.2020.DA03 |
UnityPIC: Unity Point-Cloud Interactive Core | "Y. Wu1, H. Vo , J. Gong2 , and Z. Zhu " | "In proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization" | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA20 |
"Tackling the Neighboring Network Hit Problem in Cellular Data" | "A.Leiva-Araos, D.Khryashchev, H.Allende-Cid, and H. Vo" | "2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)" | 2019 | VINIF.2019.DA20 |
AEI: Actors-Environment Interaction with Adaptive Attention for Temporal Action Proposals Generation | Khoa Vo, Hyekang Joo, Kashu Yamazaki, Sang Truong, Kris Kitani, Minh-Triet Tran, Ngan Le | 32nd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2021) | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA19 |
EmbryosFormer: Deformable Transformer and Collaborative Encoding-Decoding for Embryos Stage Development Classification | Tien-Phat Nguyen, Trong-Thang Pham, Tri Nguyen, Hieu Le, Dung Nguyen, Hau Lam, Phong Nguyen, Jennifer Fowler, Minh-Triet Tran, Ngan Le | IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) | 2023 | VINIF.2019.DA19 |
Event Detection: Gate Diversity and Syntactic Importance Scores for Graph Convolution Neural Networks, http://dx.doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.435 | Viet Dac Lai, Tuan Ngo Nguyen and Thien Huu Nguyen | Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Multi-view Consistency for Relation Extraction via Mutual Information and Structure Prediction, https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v34i05.6445 | Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Franck Dernoncourt, My Thai, Dejing Dou, Thien Huu Nguyen | Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Reducing catastrophic forgetting in neural networks via Gaussian mixture approximation, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05933-9_9 | Hoang Phan, Anh Phan, Son Nguyen, Linh Ngo Van, Khoat Than | Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. PAKDD. Springer | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Auxiliary Local Variables for Improving Regularization/prior Approach in Continual Learning, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05933-9_2 | Linh Ngo Van, Nam Le Hai, Hoang Pham, Khoat Than | Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. PAKDD. Springer | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Structured Dropout Variational Inference for Bayesian Neural Networks, https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2021/hash/80a160ff31266be2f93012a2a3eca713-Abstract.html | Son Nguyen, Duong Nguyen, Khai Nguyen, Nhat Ho, Khoat Than, Hung Bui | Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Inducing Rich Interaction Structures Between Words for Document- Level Event Argument Extraction, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75765-6_56 | Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Franck Dernoncourt, Quan Tran, V arun Manjunatha, Lidan Wang, Rajiv Jain, Doo Soon Kim, Walter Chang & Thien Huu Nguyen | Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. PAKDD. Springer | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
A Joint Model for Definition Extraction with Syntactic Connection and Semantic Consistency, https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/6444/6300 | Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Franck Dernoncourt, Dejing Dou, and Thien Huu Nguyen | Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Multi-task Learning for Metaphor Detection with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks and Word Sense Disambiguation, https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v34i05.6326 | Duong Minh Le, My Thai, and Thien Huu Nguyen | Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Exploiting the Syntax-Model Consistency for Neural Relation Extraction, https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.715 | Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Franck Dernoncourt, Dejing Dou and Thien Huu Nguyen | Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Learning to Select Important Context Words for Event Detection, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47436-2_57 | Nghia Trung Ngo, Tuan Ngo Nguyen, and Thien Huu Nguyen | Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. PAKDD. | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Utilizing SBERT for Finding Similar Questions in Community Question Answering, https://doi.org/10.1109/KSE53942.2021.9648830 | Thi-Thanh Ha, Van-Nha Nguyen, Kiem-Hieu Nguyen, Kim-Anh Nguyen, Khoat Than | In IEEE Proceedings of KSE | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Exploiting the Matching Information in the Support Set for Few Shot Event Classification, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47436-2_18 | Viet Dac Lai, Franck Dernoncourt, and Thien Huu Nguyen | Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. PAKDD. Springer | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Infinite Dropout for training Bayesian models from data streams, https://doi.org/10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9005544 | Van-Son Nguyen, Duc-Tung Nguyen, Linh Ngo Van, Khoat Than | Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data | 2019 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
From Implicit to Explicit Feedbacks: A deep neural network for modeling the sequential behaviors of online users, https://proceedings.mlr.press/v101/phan-tuan19a.html | Anh Phan Tuan, Nhat Nguyen-Trong, Duong Bui-Trong, Linh Ngo Van and Khoat Than | ACML, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research | 2019 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
Attention-based network for effective action recognition from multi-view video multi-view video, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2021.08.100 | Hoang-Thuyen Nguyen, Thi-Oanh Nguyen | Int. Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems Systems | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
A Local Structure-aware 3D Hand Pose Estimation Method for Egocentric Videos, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCE55644.2022.9852069 | Son-Tung Tran, Van-Hung Le, Van-Nam Hoang, Khoat Than, Thanh-Hai Tran, Hai Vu, Thi-Lan Le | IEEE Ninth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA18 |
OM2MSIM-A simulator for oneM2M networks | Hieu Tran, Duy Le, Nam P.Nguyen, ThuHuongTruong, Kieu-Ha Phung | The procedding of 2020 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA16 |
An Adaptive Vision-based Outdoor Car Parking Lot Monitoring System. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9352090 | T. Nguyen, T. Tran, T. Mai, H. Le, C. Le, D. Pham, K. Phung | 2020 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), 2021, pp. 445-450 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA16 |
Effective Authentication Mechanism for Vehicular Fog Infrastructure. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9852081 | Ta Kim Hue, Tuan Le, Duoc Nguyen, An Braeken, Kris Steenhaut, KieuHa Phung | 2022 IEEE Eighth International Conferenceon Communications and Electronics (ICCE), July 2022 | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA16 |
A Novel Method for Quantification of Vacant Parking Spaces at On-Street Parking Lots. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9852046 | Kieu-Ha Phung, Nguyen Le, Quang Nguyen, Dat Tran, Duc Pham, Vu Phan, Thang Nguyen | 2022 IEEE Eighth International Conferenceon Communications and Electronics (ICCE), July 2022 | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA16 |
Ứng dụng máy quang phổ cận hồng ngoại (fNIRS) trong hỗ trợ chẩn đoán tâm thần phân liệt tại Việt nam | Nguyễn Tất Cương, Nguyễn Thị Thắm, Đào Gia Nam, Nguyễn Thu Hiền, Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo | Hội nghị khoa học và công nghệ tuổi trẻ ngành Y tế lần thứ XXI | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA14 |
Social support for patients with mental health disoders in Hanoi during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for community- base interventions | Đàm Trọng Anh Vũ | Hội nghị khoa học và công nghệ tuổi trẻ ngành Y tế lần thứ XXI | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA14 |
Measuring the Cortical Hemodynamic Profiles using Portable Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy among General Population: Implications for Digital Mental Health in Developing Countries | Tham Thi Nguyen, Vu Anh Trong Dam, Thao Phuong Thi Nguyen, Cuong Tat Nguyen, Hien Thu Nguyen, Linh Vu Gia | International Conference on Environment and Human Health: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA14 |
Utility of Portable Functional near-infrared Spectroscopy in Patients with Bipolar and Unipolar Disorders: A comparison with Healthy Controls | Tham Thi Nguyen, Vu Anh Trong Dam | International Conference on Environment and Human Health: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA14 |
Multi-Objective Exploration for Proximal Policy Optimization | Nguyen Do Hoang Khoi, Cuong Pham Van, Hoang Vu Tran, Cao Dung Truong | Hội thảo quốc tế tại Đà Nẵng ATiGB6 với sự phối hợp với IEEE | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA12 |
1×2 Switchable Mode Exchange Using Controllable Phase Shifters Based on Silicon Waveguides for High Speed Optical Interconnects | Hai Ta Duy, Duy Nguyen Thi Hang, Thuy Tran Thi Thanh, Nguyen Do Hoang Khoi, Hoang Chu Duc, Cao Dung Truong | Hội thảo IEEE-ICCE Phú Quốc 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA12 |
Fabrication of Pt nanoparticles by polyol method | Nguyen Hong Hanh, Lai Van Duy, To Thi Nguyet, Ho Huu Hau, Nguyen Van Toan, Nguyen Xuan Thai, Chu Manh Hung, Nguyen Duc Hoa | SPMS 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA10 |
Fabrication gas sensor based on multilayer metal oxide thin films for exhaled breath analysis | Nguyen Van Toan, Dang Thi Thanh Le, Chu Thi Xuan, Nguyen Xuan Thai, Nguyen Van Duy, Chu Manh Hung, Nguyen Duc Hoa | SPMS 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA10 |
Differential kinematics behavior of 5-axis CNC machines in a parametric domain | Chu A My, Nguyen Van Cong | The 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC 2019) | 2019 | VINIF.2019.DA08 |
A Case-Based Reasoning Based Framework for Devel- oping Computer Aided Remanufacturing Process Planning Systems | Uyi-osa Egbe, Chi Hieu Le, James Gao, Anh My Chu, Michael Packianather and Nikolay Zlatov | International Conference on Reliable Systems Engineering (ICoRSE) - 2022 | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA08 |
A review of mathematical methods for flexible robot dynamics modelling and simulation | Chu A My, Duong X Bien, Trinh X Hiep, Nguyen Cong Dinh, Le C Hieu, Esmail Ali Alandoli | International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, RICE 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA08 |
Dynamic modelling and control of a specialized manipulator with an external force pulse imposing on the end effector | Nguyen Huu Thang, Chu Anh My, Nguyen Trang Minh | International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, RICE 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA08 |
A Conceptual Digital Twin for Cost-Effective Development of a Welding Robotic System for Smart Manufacturing | Minh Duc Vu, Chu Anh My, The Nguyen Nguyen, Anh Le, Minh Thanh Ta, Xuan Bien Duong, Tien Anh Nguyen, Chi Hieu Le, and Duc Hoang Chu | International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS) SPRINGER | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA08 |
New Feed Rate Optimization Formulation in a Parametric Domain for 5-Axis Milling Robots | Chu Anh My, Duong Xuan Bien, Bui Hoang Tung, Nguyen Van Cong an Le Chi Hieu | ICCSAMA International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Application | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA08 |
The role of big dataanalyticsand AI insmart manufacturing: an overview | Chu A My | The 5th International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing Engineering (RICE 2020) SPRINGER | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA08 |
A Novel Approach For Developing Decentralized Storage and Sharing Systems, https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3457337.3457845 | Tran, Canh-Tuan; Pham, Van-Duy; Nguyen, Thang; Dinh, Huu-Hai-Quan; Hoang, Minh-Tri; Dao, Thanh-Chung; Nguyen, Binh Minh; and Do, Ba-Lam | The 3rd ACM International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure (BSCI 2021), Hongkong/Virtual Conference, 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA07 |
Multi-objective Sparrow Search Optimization for Task Scheduling in Fog-Cloud-Blockchain Systems, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9592438 | Nguyen, Thieu; Nguyen, Thang; Vu, Quoc Hien; Huynh, Thi Thanh Binh; and Nguyen, Binh Minh | IEEE Computer Society, International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2021), Chicago, IL, USA/Virtual Conference | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA07 |
BML: A Data Mapping Language for Blockchain Platforms, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9343216 | Do, Ba-Lam; Nguyen, Quang-Thang; Nguyen, Thang; Nguyen, Tien-Thao; Dao, Thanh-Chung; and Nguyen, Binh Minh | IEEE, The 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2020), Guangzhou/Virtual Conference, 2020 | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA07 |
MPoC - A Metaheuristic Proof of Criteria Consensus Protocol for Blockchain Network | Nguyen, Binh Minh; Nguyen, Thang; Nguyen, Thieu; and Do, Ba-Lam | The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC 2021), Sydney/Virtual Conference, 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA07 |
A Consensus-Based LoadBalancing Algorithm for Sharded Blockchains, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-91387-8_16 | Toulouse, M., H. K. Dai, and Q. L. Nguyen | International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2021 | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA07 |
GasSaver: A Tool for Solidity Smart Contract Optimization, https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3494106.3528683 | Quang Thang, Nguyen; Bao-Son, Do; Thi Tam Nguyen; Ba-Lam Do | International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure (BSCI ’22) | 2022 | VINIF.2019.DA07 |
30 Gbaud 128 QAM SSB Direct Detection Transmission over 80 km with Clipped Iterative SSBI Cancellation | S. T. Le, V. Aref, K. Schuh and H. N. Tan | Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition | 2020 | VINIF.2019.DA06 |
Single Side Band Direct Detection for Data Center Interconnect and Digital Radio Over Fiber | S. T. Le and H. T. Nguyen | 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), Hanoi, Vietnam | 2019 | VINIF.2019.DA06 |
Hybrid Machine Learning for Time-Series Energy Data for Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Buildings | Ngoc-Tri Ngo, Anh-Duc Pham, Ngoc-Son Truong, Thi Thu Ha Truong & Nhat-To Huynh | International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2021: Computational Science – ICCS 2021 pp 273–285 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer | 2021 | VINIF.2019.DA05 |
MaskDiff: Modeling Mask Distribution with Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Few-Shot Instance Segmentation | Minh-Quan Le, Tam V. Nguyen, Trung-Nghia Le, Thanh-Toan Do, Minh N. Do, Minh-Triet Tran | Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24) | 2024 | LINK |
Identifying Micro-influencers on Social Media using User Graph Construction Approach | "Doan-Thinh Ngo, Cam-Nhung Cao, Phuong-Linh Hoang, Xuan-Bach Ngo, Tien-Dat Nguyen, Duc-Anh Tran Trang M. Nguyen, Linh Nguyen Tran Ngoc and Mai-Vu Tran " | The 13th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2021) | 2021 | DA137_15062019 |
Vietnamese Legal Question Answering with combined features and deep learning | Luu Hoai Linh, Nguyen Hai Long, Nguyen Hai Yen, Vuong Thi Hai Yen | The 13th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2021) | 2021 | DA137_15062019 |
THANOS: The Aspect Classification Model for Imbalanced Vietnamese E-commerce Review Data | Minh-Son Cong, Tuan-Minh Dam, Anh-My Phuong, Thi-Quyen Nguyen, Duy-Cat Can, Hoang-Quynh Le, Long Hoang and Mai-Vu Tran | 2021 International Conference on Asian Language Information Processing (IALP 2021) | 2021 | DA137_15062019 |
A Definition of Covering Based Decision Table and Its Sample Applications | Thanh-Huyen Pham, Thi-Cam-Van Nguyen, Thi-Hong Vuong, Thuan Ho, Quang-Thuy Ha , Tri-Thanh Nguyen | The 11th International Conference on Information Science and Applications 2020 (ICISA 2020) | 2020 | DA137_15062019 |
Overview of VLSP RelEx shared task: A Data Challenge for Semantic Relation Extraction from Vietnamese News | Mai-Vu Tran, Hoang-Quynh Le, Duy-Cat Can, Huyen Nguyen, Linh Nguyen Tran Ngoc and Tam Doan Thanh | The 7th International Workshop on Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing | 2020 | DA137_15062019 |
Keyphrase generation for Vietnamese administrative documents: a collaborative approach | Thi-Thu-Trang Nguyen, Thi-Hai-Yen Vuong, Van-Lien Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen and Xuan-Hieu Phan | The 12th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge and systems engineering (KSE 2020) | 2020 | DA137_15062019 |
A Targeted Topic Model based Multi-Label Deep Learning Classification Framework for Aspect-based Opinion Mining | Cham Nguyen Thi, Ngan Pham Thi, Quynh Le Hoang, Thanh Nguyen Tri, Nhung Bui Thi Hong and Thuy Ha Quang | The 12th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge and systems engineering (KSE 2020) | 2020 | DA137_15062019 |
"Design a management system for the influencer marketing campaign on social network" | "Hien D. Nguyen, Kha V. Nguyen, Suong N. Hoang, Tai Huynh" | "9th Inter. Conf. on Computational Data and Social Networks (CSoNet 2020)" | 2020 | DA132_15062019 |
"Measure of the content creation score on social network using sentiment score and passion point" | "Hien D. Nguyen, Tai Huynh, Son T. Luu, Suong N. Hoang, Vuong T. Pham, Ivan Zelinka" | "19th Inter. Conf. on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques (SOMET 2020)" | 2020 | DA132_15062019 |
"Language-oriented Sentiment Analysis based on the grammar structure and improved Selfattention network" | "Hien D. Nguyen, Tai Huynh, Suong N. Hoang, Vuong T. Pham, Ivan Zelinka" | "15th Inter. Conf. on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020)" | 2020 | DA132_15062019 |
Wireless wearable ElectroMyograp hy acquisition system using reduced graphene oxide base e-Textiles | Le-Lan Tran, Huy-Dung Han, Nhung Loan Pham-Nguyen; Huy-Dung Han; Le-Lan Tran; Nhung Nguyen-Hong; Linh T. Le | Hội nghị IPC tại San Diego, California USA IPC Committee Paper | 2021 | DA123_15062019 |
Electro Myography Acquisition System Using Graphene based eTextiles | Le-Lan Tran, Huy Dung Han, Loan Pham Nguyen, Nhung Nguyen -Thi Hong, Yiqian Jin, Linh Le | 2019 International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEE) | 2019 | DA123_15062019 |
Evaluation of antibacterial properties of some essential oils from Vietnam | DN Do, DP Nguyen, TTA Tran, DQ Nguyen, NMT Lai, TH Huynh, VM Do, XC Luu, XT Le | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2021 | DA120_15062019 |
Chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil and its fractions obtained by vacuum distillation | D N Do, H T T Nguyen, T H Huynh, N P Nguyen and X C Luu | OP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2021 | DA120_15062019 |
Enriching terpinen-4-ol from tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil using vacuum fractional distillation: Effect of column and packings on the separation | M T Le, N M Nguyen and X T Le | M T Le et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 947 012001 | 2021 | DA120_15062019 |
Influence of oil phase, surfactant on nanoemulsion based on essential oil from orange using phase inversion temperature method | D N Do1*, D P Nguyen, H D Pham, T A Trieu and X C Luu | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2022 | DA120_15062019 |
Vietnamese Text-To-Speech Shared Task VLSP 2020: Remaining problems with state-of-the-art techniques | Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, Hoang Ky Nguyen, Quang Minh Pham, Duy Manh Vu | The 7th International Workshop on Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing (VLSP 2020). ACL Anthology. | 2020 | DA116_14062019 |
Prosodic Boundary Prediction Model for Vietnamese Text-To-Speech | Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, Hoang Ky Nguyen, Albert Rilliard and Christophe D’Alessandro | "The 22th Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2021). Rank A. | 2021 | DA116_14062019 |
TDP – A Hybrid Diacritic Restoration with Transformer Decoder | Trung Duc Anh Dang, Thi Thu Trang Nguyen | The 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 2020). Rank B. | 2020 | DA116_14062019 |
Abstractive Text Summarization Using Pointer-Generator Networks With Pre-trained Word Embedding | Trung Anh Dang, Thi Thu Trang Nguyen | The 10th International Symposium on ICT (SoICT 2019). ACM. | 2019 | DA116_14062019 |
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