Project goals:
The synthesis and manufacture of permanent magnetic materials using common elements has always received great attention from scientists around the world. In particular, the solution of synthesizing permanent magnetic materials on a carbon basis has many prospects. Besides the potential to create permanent magnetic materials without the use of rare elements (which has been in the international spotlight recently due to increased demand, supply shortages and environmental pollution), this material also has many other advantages, such as being light, flexible, having good optical transmittance, being able to fine-tune properties, or create smart multipurpose materials.
The goal of the project is to synthesize carbon-based permanent magnetic materials, a new generation of permanent magnetic materials. There are two types of this material: (1) Organic permanent magnetic, which is a permanent magnetic material whose composition is polymers or COFs of free organic radicals; (2) Permanent magnetic materials on an organic basis, which are polymers or MOFs of coordination compounds with ligands that are free organic radicals.
Main contents:
- Content 1: Organic high-spin and permanent-magnetic materials based on fluorene radicals
- Content 2: COFs based on the anionic free radical s-triazine
- Content 3: MOFs based on fluorene radical-containing ligands and paramagnetic transition metals
- Content 4: 3D MOFs based on the anionic free radical s-triazine
Project impact:
We believe that our research, especially with new approaches, will have a positive influence in this field, thereby attracting more new scientists to the field, contributing to the development of the field of molecular magnetism as well as contributing to the creation of new generation permanent magnetic materials, using common elements to replace rare earths. Contribute to promoting the development of domestic scientific research and build a strong research team and highly qualified young scientists for the country.