VINIF.2021.DA00001 – Investigation of quantum relativistic effects in binary waveguide arrays

project manager image
Principle Investigator
Assoc.Prof. Tran Xuan Truong
Host Organization
Le Quy Don Technical University

The project simulates three basic effects in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: i) the effect of creating and annihilating particle-antiparticle pairs, ii) the Klein tunneling effect, iii) the Jackiw-Rebbi structure using optical effects in binary waveguide systems. Through these studies, international research projects in the field of physics will be created, while contributing to building a team of Vietnamese scientists to reach world-class status.

Main tasks of the project

– Research on the Klein tunneling effect in relativistic quantum mechanics when a fermion particle moves through a potential step from a high potential region to a low potential region:

  • Find the analytical formula to calculate the potential transmittance coefficient.
  • Simulate the Klein tunneling effect in BWA and verify the analytical formula for calculating the transmittance coefficient.

– Research on the Klein tunneling effect in relativistic quantum mechanics when fermion particles move through the potential barrier:

  • Find the analytical formula to calculate the transmission coefficient through the potential barrier.
  • Simulate the Klein tunneling effect through the potential barrier in BWA and verify the analytical formula for calculating the transmittance coefficient.

– Research on the effect of creating and destroying particle-antiparticle pairs in quantum electrodynamics using a dualistic waveguide system with a bent segment:

  • Research on analytical methods to calculate pair generation probability and pair destruction probability (implementation time: 05 months).
  • Simulate the effect of creating and annihilating particle-antiparticle pairs in BWA and verify the analytical formula for calculating the probability of pair creation and the probability of annihilation.

– Research on the effect of creating and destroying particle-antiparticle pairs in quantum electrodynamics using a dualistic waveguide system with a section that is bent in a straight line.

  • Research analytical methods to calculate pair generation probability and pair destruction probability.
  • Simulate the effect of creating and annihilating particle-antiparticle pairs in BWA and verify the analytical formula for calculating the probability of pair creation and the probability of annihilation.

– Research the stable and secure transmission capabilities of the Jackiw-Rebbi structure in a two-way BWA network with dense distribution.

– Discover a completely new type of soliton in a dualistic waveguide system.

Project impact

The project has the following short, medium and long-term impacts:
– Short term: new ideas to exploit quantum simulators based on dualistic waveguide systems.

– Mid-term:

  • 01 PhD student successfully defend his PhD thesis
  • Develop a new concept (based on the Jackiw-Rebbi state) to transmit optical signals in a secure and stable manner in densely distributed waveguide networks under strong interference.

– Long term: The project paves the way for many other scientific works (and ISI papers) on the simulation of quantum effects in dualistic waveguide systems with a significant academic impact in this field at the international level.

project manager image
Principle Investigator
Assoc.Prof. Tran Xuan Truong
Host Organization
Le Quy Don Technical University


Expect Progress
Phase 1

– Papers 1 and 2 have been accepted for publication.
– Draft of paper 3 has been submitted for publication.

Phase 2

– Papers 3, 4, and 5 have been published.
– Draft of paper 6 has been submitted for publication.

Phase 3

– Paper number 6 has been published.
– Acceptance of application and/or evidence of receiving requests for content review from the authorized intellectual property agency, along with the search results for patentability from certified legal entities.
– Description of the Application-Oriented Solution.
– 01 doctoral student whose research topic is part of the scientific content of this Project has completed the requirement to publish at least 02 international papers under this Project.
