VINIF.2020.DA18 – Advanced sensor device and materials for large scale water data survey

Principle Investigator
Prof. Hoang Nam Nhat
Host Organization
University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University

Project goals

Collecting online monitoring data on water quality including industrial wastewater, domestic water, river water, lakes, and sea water, is an urgent economic and social issue, especially in the context of increasing climate change. The project provides feasible technical solutions that can be applied on a large scale, usable for both people and households (to monitor daily water sources), and also for companies and management agency to monitor environmental data and large-scale saltwater intrusion.

The project provides new technical solutions, manufacturing equipment that allows monitoring and collecting large-scale data on water quality. The device is based on new generation sensor materials, integrating software, GPS, GSM to measure surface conductivity online and directly, automatically transmit and process data. The device can be mounted on a carrier or float freely in the water. There is no equivalent equipment in the country or in the world.

Principle Investigator
Prof. Hoang Nam Nhat
Host Organization
University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University


Expect Progress
Phase 1

– 03 drafts of Q1 articles
– 01 patent registration draft
– 01 useful solution registration draft
– 01 draft conference paper

Phase 2

– Submit 03 Q1 articles for review
– Submit 01 draft of conference paper for review
– Complete 02 drafts of conference papers
– Submit 01 patent registration
– Submit registration for 01 useful solution registration

Phase 3

– Manufacture a sufficient quantity of equipment products as required
– Obtain patent registration acceptance results and useful solutions
– 03 Q1 articles accepted for publication or published
– 03 conference papers accepted for publication or published
