VINIF.2019.DA09 – Some new trends in harmonic analysis, optimization and control for applications in data analysis and industry

project manager image
Principle Investigator
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sc. Huynh Van Ngai
Host Organization
Quy Nhon University

In the era of digital technology, many problems appear in technology, such as in the fields of Data Science, Image Processing, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Theory, Biotechnology, etc. In order to solve them, new effective mathematical tools from the fields of mathematics both in theory and application are required. In particular, many practical technological problems that have arisen have posed problems that need to be solved in mathematics majors: Harmonic Analysis, Optimization Theory and System Control. This project was initiated based on that practical need. Briefly, the project focuses on solving selected problems from an application point of view, in three branches: Harmonic Analysis, Large Optimization and Control with applications to data analysis and industry. Specifically, the Project focuses on the following main research topics:

– Research some recently arising problems in modern harmonic analysis and applications in signal analysis, signal processing, image processing and other fields of mathematics such as differential equations, number theory, probability theory, and statistics.

– Research and develop optimization algorithms to solve practical non-convex optimization problems appearing in data science, data mining, machine learning and other fields of applied science.

– Research and establish new and effective approaches to numerical control problems for network-connected systems and apply the results achieved to a number of practical control problems in the automation industry, Robot network, infrastructure network.

– Research methods to solve the problem of identification and adaptive control for partial affine control systems and applications in technical control systems.

In terms of science, the project provides new, advanced and in-depth scientific knowledge in the fields of Mathematics related to Data Science, Large Optimization Theory and Numerical Control Theory. Regarding the application aspect, the results of the project can be used to solve problems arising from industry and applied sciences related to data analysis, control and automation. The project was proposed by a group of mathematicians, from the Department of Mathematics, Quy Nhon University, who have been working in the mentioned scientific fields. Therefore, the Project is an initial step towards building a strong research center on data science and mathematical applications in industry at Quy Nhon University in particular and the Central and Highlands regions in particular.

project manager image
Principle Investigator
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sc. Huynh Van Ngai
Host Organization
Quy Nhon University


Expect Progress
Phase 1 (12 months)
  • 04 manuscripts of articles to be submitted for publication
Phase 2 (12 months)
  • 02 Q1 articles;
  • 02 international articles submitted for review in Q1 journals.
Phase 3 (12 months)
  • 02 Q1 articles;
  • 02 international articles submitted for review in Q1 journals.
