DA137_15062019 – Research and development of customer automated analysis and understanding platform applied in retail, e-commerce, and online advertisement

Principle Investigator
Assoc.Prof. Phan Xuan Hieu
Host Organization
University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University

The project research and develop an automatic customer analysis and understanding platform applied in retail, e-commerce, and online advertisement, led by the team of Associate Professor Phan Xuan Hieu (principle investigator), University of Engineering and Technology – Vietnam National University, Hanoi, is one of 32 projects sponsored by VINIF in 2019.

Connecting touchpoints and analyzing behavioral data throughout the customer journey is an important solution in shaping customer portraits and understanding, the key to improving business efficiency for services with a large number of users.
Therefore, the project aims to research and build technology solutions that analyze customer information, behavior and habits to solve pressing issues surrounding the market and improve the quality of customer experience management at businesses.
After two years of implementation, the project team has successfully developed and packaged two key technology products including DSMiner and DSWatcher.

DSMiner: Customer analysis and understanding system – is a product that packages models that automatically analyze customer behavior and habits based on big data processing techniques, statistical machine learning and advanced deep learning methods.

DSWatcher: is a solution that automatically collects and analyzes user/customer data signals from many different data sources such as social networks, online newspapers, forums, blogs…

From there, DSWatcher helps businesses understand market reactions, customer intentions, evaluate the effectiveness of communication campaigns, manage brands as well as analyze and warn early about communication crises.

Principle Investigator
Assoc.Prof. Phan Xuan Hieu
Host Organization
University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University

